Pääkohteemme Amerikan reissulla oli Gettysburg, jossa mies luennoi. Sinne ei ollut julkista liikennettä, käsittämätöntä. Meidänkin oli vuokrattava auto. Ei ihme, että amerikkalaiset ovat maailman suurimpia saastuttajia. Navigaattorin avustuksella selvisimme hyvin perille. Washingtonissa oli tietysti ruuhkaista, mutta maaseudulla oli rauhallista ajella.
Our main destination was Gettysburg where my husband had a lecture. There wasn't public transportation there, incredible. We had to rent a car. No wonder that the Americans are among the world's biggest polluters. The navigator of the car helped us getting there and traffic on countryside was quiet.
Our main destination was Gettysburg where my husband had a lecture. There wasn't public transportation there, incredible. We had to rent a car. No wonder that the Americans are among the world's biggest polluters. The navigator of the car helped us getting there and traffic on countryside was quiet.
Kuten historian tunneilla viihtyneet tietävät, Gettysburgissa käytiin Yhdysvaltain sisällissodan ratkaisutaistelut. Kaupunki ratsastaa sodan maineella, museoita riittää ja teitä reunustavat kilometrikaupalla tykit, patsaat ja muistolaatat.
Gettysburg is famous for the American Civil War. The city takes advantage of this and there are a lot of museums and by the side of the roads are cannons, statues and memorial plaques.
Gettysburg is famous for the American Civil War. The city takes advantage of this and there are a lot of museums and by the side of the roads are cannons, statues and memorial plaques.
Kävimme amish-alueella Lancasterissa. Useimmat paikat olivat suljettuina, mutta näimme kuitenkin muutamia amisheja ajelemassa hevoskärryillä. Tiedä sitten, onko heistä mukavaa olla tuijotettavana ja kuvattavana.
We visited amish land in Lancaster. Many places were closed but we saw a couple of amishes driving by cart. I'm not quite sure if they want to be gaped and photographed.
We visited amish land in Lancaster. Many places were closed but we saw a couple of amishes driving by cart. I'm not quite sure if they want to be gaped and photographed.
Mies halusi Aku Ankka -mehua.
My husband wanted Donald Duck juice.
My husband wanted Donald Duck juice.
Mies halusi kuvan amerikkalaisesta rekasta.
My husband wanted a picture of an American truck.
My husband wanted a picture of an American truck.
Minä halusin pupun. Menin amish-retkellä erääseen kauppaan katsomaan tilkkutöitä. Mies vähän vihjaisi, että ollaan jo käyty aika monessa kaupassa, mutta heltyi, kun tulin pupun kanssa ulos. Käski vielä laittaa uuden perheenjäsenen turvavöihin kiinni.
I wanted a bunny. On the amish land I dropped in a shop where quilting works were sold. My husband had started to be a little cranky but softened when he saw my purchase. He insisted that our new family member used seat belt.
I wanted a bunny. On the amish land I dropped in a shop where quilting works were sold. My husband had started to be a little cranky but softened when he saw my purchase. He insisted that our new family member used seat belt.
Nimekseen kullanmuru sai Abigail Amishbunny. Amishit eivät taida saada käyttää noin koreita vaatteita, mutta ehkä amishpupuilla on löysemmät säännöt.
This cutie pie is called Abigail Amishbunny. Maybe the real amishes don't wear that fine clothes but I hope amish bunnies don't have so strict rules.
This cutie pie is called Abigail Amishbunny. Maybe the real amishes don't wear that fine clothes but I hope amish bunnies don't have so strict rules.
Autoilimme takaisin Washingtoniin ja sieltä matkustimme ilta-auringossa New Yorkia kohti. Kuva on otettu junan ikkunasta joko Baltimoren tai Philadelphian tienoilla. Ensi kerralla sitten New Yorkia! Ja lankaa!
We drove back to Washington and travelled to New York by train. This picture is taken through a window somewhere in Baltimore or Philadelphia. Next time New York! And yarn!
We drove back to Washington and travelled to New York by train. This picture is taken through a window somewhere in Baltimore or Philadelphia. Next time New York! And yarn!
1 kommentti:
Ihania nää sun matkakertomuksesi!
Ja suloinen pupu!
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