Interrail-raportti jatkuu. Wienistä siirryimme yöjunalla Venetsiaan (sivumennen sanottuna hotellissa on halvempaa majoittua kuin mitä yöjunan hytti maksaa, matkalippujen lisäksi siis). Olen käynyt siellä 10 vuotta sitten muutaman tunnin retkellä. Muistin, että kaupunki on täynnä turisteja ja että on kuuma, mutta sitä en muistanut, että jokaikisen pikkukanaalin yli menee raput. Erehdyimme nimittäin kulkemaan hotellille rautatieasemalta kävellen. Parin sentin matka kartalla tarkoitti miljoonaa porrasta ja mutkaa luonnossa matkalaukkua perässä hinaten.
Our interrail continues. From Vienna we travelled to Venice by night train (I have to say that a cabin in a night train could cost more than a night in a hotel). I visited Venice shortly 10 years ago. I remembered that the city was full of turists and it was hot but I forgot that there were steps at every little bridge - and there are bridges everywhere. We made a mistake and decided to walk from the railway station to out hotel. The distance was short in the map but in real life there were a million steps and curves - and we had to drag our suitcases.
Gondoliajelun jätimme väliin; sekin kun maksoi hotelliyön verran. Sen sijaan risteilimme vaporetolla eli vesibussilla pitkin Canal Grandea ilta-auringossa.
We skipped a tour in gondola but took a cruise in vaporetto or water bus via Canal Grande.
Bussipysäkki venetsialaiseen tapaan:
A bus stop à la Venice:
Jokaikisessä matkamuistopuodissa oli myynnissä (Kiinassa valmistettuja?) naamioita. Mutta yhdessä oli paikan päällä käsityönä tehtyjä, perinteisten mallien lisäksi myös muita hahmoja.
In every souvenir shop there were masks (made in China?). But there was one shop where there were handmade masks, both traditional and also other figures.
In every souvenir shop there were masks (made in China?). But there was one shop where there were handmade masks, both traditional and also other figures.
Venetsian jälkeen vuorossa oli mosaiikeistaan kuulu Ravenna. Kuvia saa isommaksi klikkaamalla.
From Venice we travelled to Ravenna which is famous of mosaics. Click to enlarge the pictures.
From Venice we travelled to Ravenna which is famous of mosaics. Click to enlarge the pictures.
Eteläisin kohteemme oli Italian "kannassa" sijaitseva merenrantakaupunki Bari.
Our southest destination was Bari at the "heel" of Italy by sea.
Our southest destination was Bari at the "heel" of Italy by sea.
Kävimme katedraalissa, jossa on pyhän Nikolaoksen reliikit. Hän on tärkeä pyhä sekä katolisille että ortodokseille, joten kryptassa, jossa pyhäinjäännökset olivat, oli myös ortodoksinen kappeli.
We went to the cathedral where there were the relics of Saint Nicholas. He is an important saint to both the Catholic and the Orthodox and there was also a little Orthodox chapel in the crypt.
We went to the cathedral where there were the relics of Saint Nicholas. He is an important saint to both the Catholic and the Orthodox and there was also a little Orthodox chapel in the crypt.
Katedraalin seinästä katseli tällainen otus, mitä lajia hän edustaneekaan.
A funny animal in the wall of the cathedral but I can't tell what species it is.
A funny animal in the wall of the cathedral but I can't tell what species it is.
Etelä-Italiassa kaktukset kasvoivat villinä.
In Southern Italy cacti grew wild.
Viimeisenä kohteena oli Rooma. Meiltä alkoi olla mehut lopussa tässä vaiheessa, koska olimme vaihtaneet paikkaa niin usein, mutta toisaalta koko ajan voimassa olevasta interrail-lipusta piti ottaa hyöty irti.
Our last place to stay was Rome. We were already quite tired because we had travelled a lot.
Our last place to stay was Rome. We were already quite tired because we had travelled a lot.
Santa Maria in Trastevere on lempikirkkoni Roomassa. Siellä - kuten monessa muussakin kirkossa - on kauniita mosaiikkeja. Kuten ehkä arvata saattaa, pidän mosaiikeista suunnattomasti.
Santa Maria in Trastevere is my favourite church in Rome. There were beautiful mosaics - like in many Roman churches. As you can guess I love mosaics.
Santa Maria in Trastevere is my favourite church in Rome. There were beautiful mosaics - like in many Roman churches. As you can guess I love mosaics.
Piazza Navonalla taitelija teki kuvia spraymaalien ja sabluunoiden avulla.
In Piazza Navona an artist made spray paintings.
In Piazza Navona an artist made spray paintings.
Matkalla tuli yövyttyä monenmoisessa paikassa. Sen vain sanon, että jos joskus matkustatte Bariin, älkää vain eksykö B&B Bari Murat -nimiseen loukkoon. Paikka oli ylihintainen läävä. Kaikkialla oli nuhjuista, yhteinen kylpyhuonen oli antiikkinen eikä sitä ollut remontoitu varmaan kymmeniin vuosiin. Huoneiston keskellä oli tupakkahuone, josta kantautui hajua myös makuuhuoneisiin (tosi kiva hajuyliherkälle astmaatikolle). Ilmastoinnista piti maksaa erikseen ynnä muuta. Yövyimme matkamme aikana samalla rahalla siisteissä hotelleissakin.
Sen sijaan Roomasta voi suositella B&B Addormí -majoitusta. Oli helpotus päästä Barin murjun jälkeen siistiin ja laitettuun paikkaan, joka sijaitsi Vatikaanin takana metron lähellä.
We stayed in many different places. I must say that if you go to Bari, do not go to a hostel called B&B Bari Murat. it was an over-priced dump. The shared bathroom needen renovation badly. There was a smokin room in the middle of the apartment and the smoke came to the rooms (my asthma was really delighted at that). We had to pay extra of air conditioning, and so on. And as I said the place was expensive compared to the condition.
But I can recommend B&B Addormì in Rome. It was clean and beautiful there and it was also situated near a metro station.
Muitakin hyviä yöpymiskokemuksia oli. Venetsian hotellimme oli 1300-luvulla rakennetussa palatsissa.
We also had other good places to spend a night. Our hotel in Venice was in a palace built in the 14th century.
Sen sijaan Roomasta voi suositella B&B Addormí -majoitusta. Oli helpotus päästä Barin murjun jälkeen siistiin ja laitettuun paikkaan, joka sijaitsi Vatikaanin takana metron lähellä.
We stayed in many different places. I must say that if you go to Bari, do not go to a hostel called B&B Bari Murat. it was an over-priced dump. The shared bathroom needen renovation badly. There was a smokin room in the middle of the apartment and the smoke came to the rooms (my asthma was really delighted at that). We had to pay extra of air conditioning, and so on. And as I said the place was expensive compared to the condition.
But I can recommend B&B Addormì in Rome. It was clean and beautiful there and it was also situated near a metro station.
Muitakin hyviä yöpymiskokemuksia oli. Venetsian hotellimme oli 1300-luvulla rakennetussa palatsissa.
We also had other good places to spend a night. Our hotel in Venice was in a palace built in the 14th century.
Huoneen ikkunoista avautui näkymä Canal Grandelle, ei yhtään huono juttu:
We could see Canal Grande from our, room, not bad at all:
We could see Canal Grande from our, room, not bad at all:
Minä niin tykkäisin olla Italiassa ja oppia puhumaan kieltä paremmin. Mutta kun ihonväri kuuluu luokkaan kalkkilaivan kapteeni, hiki valuu ja naama punoittaa, tulee automaattisesti kohdelluksi turistina, jolle pakkopuhutaan englantia, tyrkytetään, kerjätään (totuuden nimessä kahdelta viimeiseltä ei välty Helsingissäkään, mutta Italiassa ollaan asteen verran aggressiivisempia). Lyhyellä reissulla ei ole toivoakaan sulautumisesta paikallisten joukkoon.
I'd love to spend time in Italy and learn to speak Italian better. When when you skin colour is pale, you sweat and your face is red you are treated as a turist to whom everyone speaks English or imposes something or begs. Well, one has to say that the last two are familiar to us in Helsinki, too, but in Italy they are a little bit more aggressive. During short trips it's impossible to blend among the locals.
I'd love to spend time in Italy and learn to speak Italian better. When when you skin colour is pale, you sweat and your face is red you are treated as a turist to whom everyone speaks English or imposes something or begs. Well, one has to say that the last two are familiar to us in Helsinki, too, but in Italy they are a little bit more aggressive. During short trips it's impossible to blend among the locals.
Jotenkaan minulla ei enää ole pakonomaista tarvetta hamstrata lankaa. Ainoan lankatuliaisen ostin kotimatkalla Lundista, johon tutustuimme pikaisesti (vierailun arvoinen kaunis, vanha kaupunki sekin). Sen sijaan minulla on pakonomainen tarve hamstrata helmiä. Prahasta hankin edullisia siemenhelmiä. Italiasta löytyi erilaisia lasihelmiä, erityisesti Venetsiasta Muranon lasia (toivotaan ainakin, että se on paikallista tuotantoa). Näitä näemme jonain päivänä erilaisissa helmitöissä.
I brought home just one hank of yarn I bought in Lund, Sweden (a beautiful old town, worth of visiting). Instead I bought beads: seed beads in Prague and other beads in Italy, also in Venice some of Murano glass (at least I hope the beads were made there). We'll see these, hopefully, in my beadworks later.
I brought home just one hank of yarn I bought in Lund, Sweden (a beautiful old town, worth of visiting). Instead I bought beads: seed beads in Prague and other beads in Italy, also in Venice some of Murano glass (at least I hope the beads were made there). We'll see these, hopefully, in my beadworks later.